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Each year Suncoast Beverage partners with the Salvation Army with the Angel Tree program in efforts to make a difference in the lives of our underserved neighbors in Southwest Florida.

How Angel Tree Works
Social service agencies and schools refer families to The Salvation Army for Christmas assistance.
Participants then go online to enroll their family information. Participation is limited to those
that meet age, income, and residency requirements. Applicants who qualify must provide a birth
certificate to verify guardianship, demonstrate a financial need, and provide a parent ID for
verification on distribution day.
Angels birth to 12 are provided with a need such as clothing, sheets, backpacks, and a
want such as a bike, game, toy, etc.
Angel tags are printed for each individual and placed on Salvation Army Angel Trees located at
local companies and organizations. The host provides their own tree for the Angel tags.
Generous Donors select Angels, purchase gifts, and return them to the Angel Tree host site by the
given deadline on each tag. All gifts must be clearly marked with the Angel tag.
Upon their return, the gifts are taken to a Salvation Army Christmas Distribution Center where they
are processed for pickup by the Angel families.
All families are provided with a box of food for Christmas morning, clothing, toys, and spiritual
care during this holiday season. Please note that all gifts purchased for a
specific Angel will be given to that Angel.

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